Category Management et e-Category Management

Category Management and e-Category Management

A selection of questions from our clients to which our expertise in this area has delivered solutions


What methodology, tools and organisation do you recommend to drive performance in our categories?

How can Category Management help create preference and drive traffic to our retail chain?

How should we manage our category in an omnichannel environment?

How do we place our category top of mind and attract more unique need units and resources?

How can we push our category up to the same level of performance as the rest of the business?

How can we leverage the strategies and resources of our suppliers to achieve our targets?

How can we measure that our category plans are successfully implemented and measure their progress?


How can we develop an e-Category Management approach with our e-commerce customers?

How can we adapt our Category Management practices and integrate the new analysis tools and needs of retailers?

How can we partner up with our retail customers to support their category development plans?

How can Category Management be more closely integrated with global customer relationships and become a main asset in the negotiation process?

How can we take our category approach to the next level and implement Category Management: without much data? With a challenger brand? Targeting new-to-market retailers?

How do we pick the most suitable analysis, optimisation and recommendation tools?